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    Potassium is one of the essential minerals your body needs to function normally. It plays a crucial role in regulating the beating of the heart. It is present in many foods, but its deficiency in the body can lead to hypokalemia or potassium deficiency.

    Potassium Chloride is a form of salt that can be used as a medication to treat low potassium levels in the blood. Potassium in the blood may decrease because of a disease or as a result of taking certain medications.

    Is Potassium Chloride Salt?

    Potassium chloride is a naturally occurring salt derived from the ground or sea. It is a potassium-based salt that food manufacturers mostly use to replace sodium Chlorides or table salt. In some applications, it can help reduce the presence of sodium by as much as 70%. It does not carry a high health risk as sodium-based salts do.

    You can use potassium salts just like regular table salt. Many food companies use potassium chloride as a substitute to lower the sodium levels in their processed foods. As consumers continue to demand lower-sodium products, manufacturers have found potassium chloride to be a safe alternative. It is now the leading reformulation option for reducing sodium levels in food products. Unfortunately, it may leave a metallic aftertaste.

    Tricalcium phosphate is a calcium salt found in many nutritional supplements. Many people wonder about the safety of tricalcium Phosphates, including side effects and whether it causes cancer.

    Some people take supplements containing tricalcium phosphate to supplement their daily calcium intake if they are not getting enough calcium from diet alone. However, tricalcium phosphate is a concentrated source of calcium and taking too much can cause high calcium levels or hypercalcemia.

    Some calcium phosphates derive from phosphate rocks, calcium from plant sources, and ammonia.

    These can be considered vegan. Most of the time, however, calcium phosphates are made from ground animal bones.

    Calcium phosphate aids in cell functioning and plays a vital role in many different body processes, including bone growth and energy production.

    Dimagnesium Phosphate is effective as a nutritional supplement because it is readily absorbed in the body. However, there is little evidence to show it is more effective than other calcium supplements, in particular, those containing citrate and carbonateTrusted Source .

    Tricalcium phosphate also has many other uses. It is found in many household items, including baby powder, toothpaste, and antacids. A variety of industries use tricalcium phosphate. For example, the biomedical sector uses tricalcium phosphate to make cement or composite to repair bones Trusted Source .

    Potassium Formates, the salt of formic acid, is an efficient alternative to potassium acetate with a lower chemical oxygen demand (COD) that reduces wastewater treatment costs, minimizes harmful environmental effects, and ensures a sustainable environment.


    Effective ice control and friction for aircraft on runways

    Freezing point depression to -60°F at 50% concentration

    Low COD for efficient degradation and reduced wastewater treatment costs

    Drop-in replacement for potassium acetate

    When the potassium formate, an eco-friendly runway deicer, enters the airport wastewater treatment facility, its low oxygen demand minimizes COD loading and improves processing efficiency. Sodium chloride-based salts disturb the water and nutrient balance of plants in the soil, degrade infrastructures such as buildings, roads, and bridges, and increase particulate pollution in cities. With the costs of replanting trees or shrubs, repairing infrastructure, and providing additional city clean-up, potassium formates become an efficient deicing agent alternative for a sustainable future in non-runway applications. This chemical has been effective at European airports for two decades as it significantly reduces the freezing point of water, making it an effective runway deicing agent. Potassium Formate can be a drop-in replacement for potassium acetate with comparable effectiveness, utilize existing deicing equipment, while reducing COD loading into the environment or wastewater treatment facilities. It is typically utilized in anti-icing applications to prevent ice and snow buildup, but it can also function as a sole runway deicer to keep runways open and clear in cold weather environments.

    Acetate is a substance in many common items, some of which you may use every day. Acetate fabric, in particular, was grouped with rayon until the 1950s, when the two were required to be labeled as separate because of rayon’s resistance to heat—a characteristic acetate does not possess. These days, Acetates can be found in the lining of wedding dresses, in sunglasses, upholstery, umbrellas, and even cigarette filters. You may be wondering: What is this material that can be used so diversely across multiple industries?

    Magnesium Acetate, or cellulose acetate (CA), is a thermoplastic. Thermoplastics are materials that soften when heated and return to a hardened state when cooled. It is this characteristic that gives the bio-based substance its easy-to-process reputation.

    What are sulfates?

    Sulfate is a salt that forms when sulfuric acid reacts with another chemical. It is a broader term for other synthetic sulfate-based chemicals you may be concerned about, such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium Laureth sulfate (SLES). These compounds are produced from petroleum and plant sources such as coconut and palm oil. You’ll mostly find them in your cleaning and personal care products.

    The main use for SLS and SLES in products is to create lather, giving a stronger impression of cleaning power. While Sulfates are not “bad” for you, there is a lot of controversy behind this common ingredient.

    Constipation is a widespread issue, and most people experience it at some point in their lives. Many people use magnesium products, including magnesium Citrates, to treat this uncomfortable condition.

    Before taking magnesium citrate, it is essential that a person understands how it works, its side effects, and how it interacts with other substances.

    There are times when magnesium citrate may not be the best option for treating constipation, and choosing other alternatives may help avoid any complications.

    Constipation is when a person has fewer than three trusted Source bowel movements a week. Stools are usually hard, dry, or lumpy, and may be difficult or painful to pass.

    In many cases, addressing the underlying cause for constipation may reduce the need for medications, including magnesium citrate. These include a low fiber diet, immobility, dehydration, or medical conditions.

    How does magnesium citrate work for constipation?

    Compounds such as Magnesium Citrate work by pulling water into the intestines. This water combines with the dry stool, making it easier to pass. Medications that work in this way are called osmotic laxatives.

    When used correctly, many people find that magnesium citrate is a simple solution to occasional constipation.