vv132s ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 4 mesi fa
Like all plastics, Acrylic Rod plastics are polymers. The word polymer comes from the Greek words poly, meaning many, and meros, meaning apart. A polymer, therefore, is a material made up of many molecules, or parts, linked together like a chain. Polymers may have hundreds, or even thousands, of molecules linked together. More importantly, a polymer is a material that has properties entirely different than its component parts. The process of making a polymer, known as polymerization, has been likened to shoveling scrap glass, copper, and other materials into a box, shaking the box, and coming back in an hour to find a working color television set. The glass, copper, and other component parts are still there, but they have been reassembled into something that looks and functions entirely differently.